Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Animal Rescue Site

Did you know you can click a button and help feed an homeless dog or cat? Yes it's that easy!!!!!!!!!!
You can also sign up for a daily reminder. Please check this out-

They have great gift ideas also, I bought two Christmas gifts yesterday and that purchase allowed them to donate 28 bowls of food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great gifts and food for animals in a shelter.
That's my kind of shopping!!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


We have so many things to be thankful for this year....

1. Our family-2010 started off with someone I love very much in ICU. There were a few days we didn't think he would make it. But he did and is better than ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have a wonderful family and are very blessed.

2. Our friends-our extended family.

3. Our health

4. Our fur kids!!! They fill every day with laughs and love. We are thankful they found us.

5. Our Veterans and Active duty men and women who put their lives on the line everyday for us. Also their families who sacrifice so much. Thank you for our freedom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Side note

There is a beautiful doberman pinscher named Shack that belongs to some people in the house behind our woods. He is huge and the biggest baby. It really makes me mad people letting their dogs run loose but especially him. If you didn't know him you would be scared of him due to size and breed. He comes to visit us a lot and if my husband said it was okay I would go ask them if I could keep him. Yes I know them, I had to go knocking on doors in the rain when Shack and his buddy were at our house and his buddy left him. Apparently that was his GPS home because Shack was flipping out in our horse pasture not knowing how to get back home. And he is scared of the rain, he really wanted to come in the house. I really love him.

November is adopt a Senior dog month

If you were thinking about adopting-please consider a senior dog. I know everyone wants a puppy-they are so cute, have that puppy smell...well guess what-
They are a lot of work, you have to house train them and they LOVE to chew.
Here is an example of our puppy's handywork. And yes all of our spindles look like this....

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Spelling Bee

There are two words you must spell out in our house...or our girls go NUTS!
Not sure which one they love more, going on walks or getting a treat. And don't even think you can walk just one of's all or nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beautiful sight

Ever since I can remember I have loved horses. I am not even sure why, no one in my family owned them or really ever rode. But for years I took riding lessons thanks to my parents and grandparents, especially my grandma who drove all over the state of Georgia to take me back and forth. I never thought I would be living on so much land and able to have them. A big reason I am able to have them is because of my husband and inlaws. Every morning on the way to work I get to feed them and this is what I's a beautiful sight. One day when we can afford it I would love to get saddles and bridles and be able to ride again.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Extra large

Meet Huffy! We think he is a few years old and an American Bulldog mix. He was given to my husband by a guy who couldn't/wouldn't take care of him. Shortly after getting him the vet told my husband Huffy had heart worms. So the poor dog had to go through heart worm treatment. Some dogs don't live through it-so important to make sure you are giving your pets their flea/heart worm medicine monthly!!! Huffy is now a big, healthy boy. He is with Patty and loves to run and sit in the sun. During the summer going to see them both is awful because of the slobber. But when it cools off like now it isn't bad. We took him to the vet recently and right before him and my husband left, my husband said "Hang on, I want to get him to calm down first." Our vet replied " I didn't know he had a calm down mode." He really is just a big baby. He has no mean bone in his body. Duke and Spot got out one day and Huffy wanted to play with them, well they had other ideas. They jumped him and in about 2 seconds he had gotten them both off.


A good picture of Patty....she thinks she is 10lbs.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Best friends...

Well most of the time. I think Missy wishes Reba was still her size. Now that Reba towers over her Missy doesn't like to play as much.