Monday, January 28, 2013


Reba wasn't feeling good when we woke up Sunday. You could tell she was in a lot of pain and was throwing up water when she drank-not a good sign. So Monday she went to the vet. She had something in her stomach but the vet thought she would pass it on her own. She wasn't any better Tuesday so Wednesday morning I took her again. Not long after I got to work our vet called to tell us Reba needed surgery. We finally got to pick her up this weekend and she is much better. We are very careful with her because she loves blankets and towels but she did eat part of a blanket somehow.
First picture is the blanket, she ate about a foot long, inch wide piece of the border. Second picture is what the vet got out of her. Lesson learned, no matter how careful you are, you can always be more careful. We are just thankful that she and PaPa are home from the hospitals.

Missy and Minnie

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Things Minnie has taught me...

We really didn't need another dog but something in my heart told me we needed to get Minnie.All of our dogs have taught me a lot so I wanted to share with you the things Minnie has taught me. I will be honest, there were times I didn't know if we did the right thing by getting her, she has been the craziest puppy I have ever had but she has given us so much also.

1. Patience. Minnie has a lot of patience most of the time. She knows if she waits long enough Lola will get off the heating pad and she can get on it. She also knows if she doesn't come in from outside and waits she will eventually hear "treat" and she come flying. She has us trained pretty well.

2. Persistence. Everyday for 6 months I watched Minnie bark and fuss at Angel. She would have a fit but Angel would just lay there or occasionally snap at her. Then one day it happened-Angel played with her!!!! Now they are best friends.

3. Grateful. Minnie has taught me to be grateful for the little things. She is so happy to have a leaf or stick. She will play all day with those.

4. Be silly. I will be the first to admit I am way to serious and focused. Minnie is so silly and I can't help but be silly with her. She really has gotten me to loosen up. The other day her and I were dancing in the kitchen and we play all of the time.

5. Size doesn't matter. Minnie is 7 pounds and Reba is 70 pounds. If Reba makes Minnie mad she lets her know. She isn't scared or intimidated.

6. Always say I love you. Minnie loves to give hugs and kisses. And she gets so excited when she sees us first thing in the morning or in the afternoon after work. Heck I can go do something for half an hour and come back and she is ecstatic. She always says I love you.

7. If you are tired and grumpy take a nap. Minnie will go to our bedroom door and hit it. Then she will go in, get into bed, cover herself and sleep for a few hours.

8. Forgiveness. It would of been so easy for Minnie to be mad at humans because of the way she was treated. But she isn't. She let it go and moved on. She hasn't hung on to the past and lives everyday to it's fullest.