Monday, August 22, 2011


So there are lots of women in Patrick's life. Our four girls and myself rule the house lol. Bullet is our only male animal in the house. And boy is he special. I got him from an employee of mine 13 years ago. They had found him in an apartment complex. He was only 11 ounces so I had to bottle feed him. He is solid black and was named Bullet because he used to be really really fast. Him and I have been through a lot together. He has always been nuts though, even as a kitten. Myself and my mom are really the only ones who had hold him.  He LOVES drinking out of a faucet, in the sink or bathtub. When you turn the water on he lets it drip on his head for awhile and then drinks it. Told ya-pretty special. He attacks everyone, especially my Pa Pa. And has attacked me on many occasions.

When I moved out in the country I decided to get a dog and found Angel. Now Bullet was about 18 lbs at the time..Angel was 30 lbs so not a huge difference. When I brought her home Bullet jumped up on my huge TV cabinet. I thought he was mad and would get over it. He stayed on top of the TV cabinet for TWO YEARS. He would only get down at night when her and I were sleeping. I put his food and water up there and his teddy bear he loves. I got to the point where I really thought about contacting a pet psychic. Then one day he got down, they scuffled and that was it. That cat can really hold a dang grudge. Now he has his own guest room with a queen size bed. He ventures out some but he really doesn't like to mingle with the dogs. We have a baby gate to deter them from going his room but Lola discovered there is cat food in there and mice toys so if you aren't looking she climbs the gate. Bullet just looks at her..we don't think he knows what she is.

I always said I would know I found the right guy when he could deal with my cat. On our first date my husband rode his bike 2 hours to come hang out. I didn't want him to have to ride back so he stayed the night in my guest room-yes mom the guest room. I warned him to shut the door and went to bed. Sometime during the night he got up and when he went back in the room he shut the door not realizing Bullet was there also. It was pitch black and he heard this awful noise Bullet makes when he is going to attack. Angel and I were oblivious to all took some time but after the stand off my husband finally got Bullet out of the room. The second time my husband came over he brought a flash light but I didn't know why. I found out months and months later what had happened. It still makes me laugh. Compared to how Bullet would attack other guys I dated he was pretty easy on my husband  and now they coexit peacefully for the most part.

I love Bullet, just sometimes I wish I had a normal cat but heck what fun would that be. Black cats and dogs do not get adopted as much as other animals. There are theories to as why but no one really knows for sure. So if  you ever are looking for a dog or cat think about a black one, they deserve great homes too. And don't worry, none of them can be as crazy as my black cat!!!!!!!!!!!

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