Thursday, September 8, 2011

Some issues...

So we are having some issues...I guess with four girls that is going to happen. After a big fight this morning I have contacted someone for help. I think the big problem is we are not the pack leaders in our house, Missy is. Missy is overall a great dog. But she "snaps" sometimes. One second she is fine then she gets mad. If one of the girls is on the bed, couch or chair and Missy wants to get up there she will. But if Missy is on one of those things and one of the girls even walks by Missy gets very vocal and aggressive. She seems to be very protective of Lola also. Lola thinks she is a big dog and runs right in the middle of the Missy and Reba. Missy will start growling we think because she doesn't want Reba to hurt the baby. And if one of them snaps at her it is a huge fight. This morning Missy accidentally stepped on Angel's tail and Angel snapped which then had Missy on top of her fighting. So I had them fighting and Reba and Lola right there in the middle of it. So by myself I had to grab Missy (which that makes her even madder) and try to get the other three to calm down. With Lola being so small we are always very careful with her. Fun morning!

UPDATE-So I talked to someone who I think could really  help us but we just don't have the money. It really is a good price considering but we just don't have it. My goal is to walk Missy, and the other babies, everyday. Exercise seems to help all of them a lot but especially her and Reba.

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